9/17 Full Moon Breath Class with Shane Elmore

Tuesday, Sept 17 6-8pm | Nooma Breath is a unique two-hour experience focused on harnessing the power of our breath. Through guided breathing excercises and engaging music, we activate the nervous system by bringing our body, mind and spirit back into alignment with it's original design.
Class date: Tues, Sept 17
Class time: 6 -- 8pm
Where: Unity of Wimberley
cost: $25
*Note: Each person attending must be aware of the waiver. If you are buying someone else a ticket, they need to sign a waiver at the workshop.
 Your registration for this workshop indicates your acceptance of the terms seen below.      


Workshop Indemnity and Release Form

I, the undersigned, wish to voluntarily participate in this Unity of Wimberley sanctioned "Nooma Breath Workshop with Shane Elmore” 

In consideration for being permitted to participate in this Unity of Wimberly Workshop, in the city of Wimberley, the state of Texas and county of Hays, I, the undersigned, fully recognizing the dangers and risks inherent in my participation, and any related transportation, including personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death, as well as the unknown dangers and hazards which may arise in the course of my participation in this workshop, do hereby voluntarily:

Agree, for myself, my heirs and my personal representative, to defend, hold harmless, indemnify, release and forever discharge, to the broadest extent allowed by law, Unity of Wimberley, its trustees, officers, employees, agents, insurers, successors, assigns, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action on account of any damage to real or personal property or any personal injury or death that may result from my participation in the above workshop and activities.

I have read this release, I understand it fully, I understand that it is legally binding, and I understand that, among other things, I am agreeing to indemnify Unity of Wimberley, for all injuries, damages or losses I may cause during aforementioned workshop and giving up rights to sue Unity of Wimberley for all injuries, damages or losses I may incur during aforementioned workshop.

Your registration for this workshop indicates your acceptance of this Workshop and Release Form.

Please select one option.



Tuesday, Sept 17 6-8pm
Nooma Breath is a unique two-hour experience focused on harnessing the power of our breath. Through guided breathing excercises and engaging music, we activate the nervous system by bringing our body, mind and spirit back into alignment with it's original design.
Class date: Tues, Sept 17
Class time: 6 -- 8pm
Where: Unity of Wimberley
cost: $25
*Note: Each person attending must be aware of the waiver. If you are buying someone else a ticket, they need to sign a waiver at the workshop.